All posts tagged “YIMBY

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Peaks and plains

On the exact same day last week, the Toronto Star published two articles about housing. The first one, this one here, is about how “Toronto has protected huge parts of the city from anything denser than detached or semi-detached houses” and how this has resulted… Read More

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I was here first

Connor Dougherty published this thoughtful piece about NIMBYs over the weekend in the New York Times. And it has been making the rounds online ever since. It is thoughtful in that Connor tries to understand what makes NIMBYs tick. And he does this by interviewing… Read More

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[Video] Are NIMBYs selfish?

Peter Baugh tweeted this out on Monday. Essentially, he attended a community meeting for a new housing project in his neighborhood. He spoke in favor of the proposed development. And was then accused of being a developer shill. His comments were subsequently no longer allowed… Read More