All posts tagged “office building

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How elevation impacts risk taking

There’s an old saying that we shape our buildings and environments and then they in turn shape us.  Here is a fascinating research report about “the influence of physical elevation in buildings on risk preferences.” I discovered it through this MarketWatch article, which my friend John… Read More

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133 Wai Yip Street, Hong Kong

Dutch architecture firm MVRDV recently converted an old industrial building in Hong Kong into new office space. The overall project size is roughly 200,000 sf. What’s unique about the project is the obsessive focus on transparency and glass. Here’s what the interior looks like: And… Read More

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Cities without people

Some people believe that cities are all about bricks and mortar. While other people believe that they are first and foremost about people. Though I wholeheartedly believe that our built environment has a profound affect on our lives, I am in the latter camp.  Real… Read More