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We received our building permit!

As a follow-up to last week’s post about giving free land to the City of Toronto, I am now thrilled to report that, today at 12:14 PM, we received our building permit!

Some of you were keen to hear about what happened following the post. So here’s the update. I published the original post last Wednesday. And to be honest, it received far more attention than I was expecting.

On Thursday morning I received a call from the city. They weren’t thrilled about my post, but were very helpful and said that they would ensure the conveyance happened immediately. It then got done before noon that same day.

Planning then sent a note to buildings saying that the permit was ready for issuance. Yay. Buildings acknowledged that they were working on it, and on Monday of this week we received a summary of the outstanding fees and the instructions for the wire transfer.

We paid the fees immediately and on Tuesday we received a payment receipt from the city. Then today — Wednesday — we received the building permit. So it was exactly one week from post to permit. A big thanks to everyone who helped to finally move this forward.

Hopefully it’s clear that last week’s post came strictly from a place of prolonged frustration. I wasn’t trying to be mean. Our lawyer reminded me, after the post, that we’ve actually been working on this land conveyance for over 2 years.


  1. AM

    Well it’s obvious the city isn’t gonna be happy for being called out on their shit. But that’s precisely why we need more accountability from public servants. That’s their job.

    I’m glad you received and happy to see that a bit of scrutiny gets people moving.

    Sunlight is the best medicine.


  2. Greg Shron

    a. You did nothing wrong, and I hope you will take similar action in the future if faced with comparable circumstances.

    b. At least the staff in T.O. apparently still has some shame. It’s when the public airing of gross indifference elicits nothing more than a barely perceptible shrug that you know you’re in real trouble.


  3. T-bone

    If any City or Toronto planning or buildings dept employee’s are reading this, please do your job quicker so we can have more housing built in reasonable time frames! It shouldn’t have to get to this level for things to move forward.


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