comments 4

Power of the pen

Yikes. To be completely honest, I was not expecting this post and this post to blow up in the way that they did. But hey, here we are and here’s the blogTO article: “Developer shames City of Toronto into issuing permit for bold new skyscraper.” What all of this suggests is that most people are shocked by how long it takes and how difficult it is to build a building. I mean, what I wrote about is just one sliver among the countless other things that need to come together for it to happen. But to my mind, these are productive discussions to be having. Because the more everyone is aware, the more likely we are to improve things.


  1. Rob Carthy

    Shame is a powerful tool. Good on you for using it in a positive, professional manner.

    Hopefully the City of Toronto does not try to even the score some time down the road.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. AM

    I think you did the right thing in publicly shaming city official and subject them to accountability. Public servants are serving the public and it’s their (or should be) mandate to be accountable to the public. If they don’t like your message, tough luck, do your job next time.

    I wouldn’t read too much into BlogTO’s post. They’re the ambulance chasers who chase ambulance chasers. I’ve long stopped reading much less putting any credence in their writing as it’s clickbait design to bring traffic to their site and they thrive on outrage porn.

    In any case, any press is good press, even from the bottom feeders.

    Can’t wait to see your building rise.


  3. bralin98bedbf937

    If you want something done at the City, get Brandon to write about it here. LOL


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