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America’s most and least car-oriented cities

My partner Kieran sent me this chart this morning:

It is a summary of the average weekday miles traveled by adults in private vehicles, including taxis and ride-hailing vehicles, for the 50 largest metro areas in the US (data is from the fall of 2023). At the top of the list with the most miles traveled is Raleigh, and at the bottom of the list with the fewest miles traveled is, not surprisingly, New York.

The other cities on the bottom of this list probably won’t surprise you either. But it’s a good reminder of how built form determines our mobility choices. If you look up which US cities have the highest population densities and the most compact built forms, I think you’ll generally find that it mirrors what you’re seeing here.

1 Comment so far

  1. T-bone

    This would indicate that EVs are up to the task as of right now to meet the vast majority of peoples everyday driving requirements and that range anxiety is a bit overstated.


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