It is starting to feel like 2021 could be a turning point for "missing middle" type buildings here in Toronto. Momentum seems to be growing and there's increasing interest in finding ways to make this scale of housing more feasible -- everything from duplexes to low-rise walkup apartments.
This week Councillor Bradford published a great op-ed in Spacing Toronto as a kind of call to action: Let's make this year the year. In it, he provided an update on a pilot project that will be taking place in his ward -- Beaches-East York -- this year:
We’ll be setting out this spring to find a city-owned site and the right partners for the project. From there, the work will be to go through every step of the development process, from design to construction. This Pilot is about accomplishing two key tasks. One, building housing that meets the Missing Middle typology while aiming to incorporate the affordability and sustainability elements Toronto needs. Two, through undertaking that development process, to identify the execution issues so we can bring forward the policy corrections that’ll make what we achieve in the Pilot build replicable across the city.
With the continued run-up in single-family home prices, it really is starting to feel like we're at a tipping point. Something is going to need to change. People continue to move to Toronto from all over the world. Perhaps this year will be the year. To learn more about the pilot project, take a look at this update report.