Also on Conde Nast Traveler's list of the best places to go this year is Ho Chi Minh City. I've never been, but I would love to go. More importantly, though, check out the photo they used, which is of the city's first Michelin-starred restaurant, Anan Saigon:

From what I can tell, the building (and lot) is maybe 3-4m wide. And it looks to be 7 storeys (the top floor is partially concealed because of the angle of the camera).
On the first two floors you have what I am presuming to be the main restaurant spaces. On the third floor there is a bar. Maybe this is also part of the restaurant. And on the fourth floor you have Anan's pho restaurant (I checked their website).
Above that it looks to flip to residential. And then again above that it looks to be residential. Finally, on the top floor it appears to be more commercial in nature, so I'm guessing it's a rooftop bar for Anan. If anyone has been here, please let me know if I'm getting this right.
Regardless, this is a terrific photo and a powerful example of what's possible on small urban lots if you just let people build.