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If you go to the Town of Lincoln, Ontario's website, scroll down to the meeting calendar, lookup the December 2nd Committee of the Whole, and click on the meeting agenda, you will end up right here. And then, if you click on 7.2.1. under reports, you will get to this planning staff report recommending approval of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for 4933 Victoria Avenue North -- also known as Project Bench.
Here's some of what the report says:
This report provides a recommendation to Committee, Council and the general public regarding the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit the development of a mixed-use residential building with 346 dwelling units, 100 hotel suites, banquet space, and commercial uses including restaurant, café and spa on the subject lands.
[The] Committee recommend to Council to approve the Official Plan Amendment application (PLOPA20240045) and Zoning By-law Amendment application (PLZBA20240046) by Landwise on behalf of 4933 Vic Court Globizen GP Inc.
It has been a real pleasure working with the local community and the Town of Lincoln on these development applications. From the start, our goal has been to create something remarkable for the town and the broader Niagara Benchlands, and so this approval recommendation is an important milestone for the team. We're excited for the next steps! For more on Project Bench, make sure you check out onthebench.ca.
On a separate note, since switching blogging platforms earlier this week, I have heard from a lot of you that my newsletter is now going to your spam folder. I was expecting this. Spam filters don't like familiar names with a different email address. So to continue hearing from me, you may need to whitelist the following address: brandondonnelly@newsletter.paragraph.xyz.
Sadly, I also don't have a solution for those of you who were subscribed to my weekly digest on Sunday mornings. This was about a quarter of you. Sorry. Paragraph doesn't seem to have this functionality. But I'm in touch with the company directly and so maybe it's a feature they can add. Thanks for continuing to read. I'll keep you posted as I try and figure something out.