I was just introduced to a development firm based in Los Angeles called SuperLA. They are focused on sustainably built infill apartments and last year they completed what is the first ever mass-timber multifamily housing project in Southern California. Located at 3520 Marathon Street in Silver Lake and called the "Bungalows on Marathon", the project is 3-storeys (with parking underneath that takes advantage of the slope of the site) and has 9 homes.
Six of the homes are one-bedroom (~660 sf of interior space) and three of the homes are two-bedroom (~1,320 sf of interior space). It's a beautiful project. And because it's LA, all of the building's circulation is outside and tucked toward the back of the site. It's also not a huge site -- my rough Google Map take-offs have it at approximately 12m x 40m. So let's call it the equivalent of two Toronto single-family lots.
Based on suite count, this is similar to the kind of density that you could get in single-family neighborhoods throughout Toronto. However, the built form here on Marathon is decidedly more urban. Despite its horizontality, LA is not as low-density as many might think. For more on SuperLA, here's their website. They've also done a great job with their brand and identity.
Photos via SuperLA