I love the idea behind a “365 project.” Two examples here and here. I learned about it from Bijan Sabet.
The idea is simple. It’s a personal photography project where you post a single photo each day of the year with a short blog-style caption. In the above examples, it’s typically a description of what’s going on in their lives.
Obviously there’s a major element of discipline to this project, but I also really like that the photos become a celebration of the mundane. The ordinary. The everyday.
One photo I saw had the caption: “Today wasn’t a very good day.”
Social media has evolved to become a high curated representation of our lives. We use it in an aspirational way to tell a story about who we hope to become or who we want people to believe we already are.
I am not exempt.
But it’s refreshing to think about “an honest account of your life.” Unless you happen to have a life that consists entirely of Vegas trips and yacht parties, a daily photo means that it won’t always be epic and it will sometimes feel like a chore.
I frankly don’t have the time for another daily commitment beyond this blog, but I would love to do a 365 photography project. Perhaps some of you have the time and the interest.