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Please sire, may I give you free land?

This is an aerial photo of the construction site at One Delisle:

Currently, we are on hold and waiting to pour a number of columns on the ground floor because the city has not yet issued our above-grade building permit. And the reason the city has not issued our above-grade building permit is because we have not yet conveyed our parkland dedication land to the city. Frustratingly though, we have been ready to convey this land for over a year! We simply need the city to allow us to give them this free land. To date, we have meticulously documented at least 3-pages of follow-ups and back-and-forth emails as we try our best to do this.

I’ve been doing this long enough that this isn’t surprising or unusual. But it remains deeply maddening. Younger people on the team can’t believe that this is par for the course. On top of this, the city continues to charge interest on the fees that are payable upon issuance of the first above-grade building permit. The result is an insane dynamic where the city can delay things as long as it wants and then charge us, and all other developers, interest on its own delays! I mean, is it any wonder that housing keeps getting more expensive in this city?

During the last mayoral election, some candidates were quick to promise that, if elected, the city itself would start building affordable housing. This, I’m sure, sounded good to most. Toronto needs more affordable homes. But for all of us involved in the building of buildings, it was frankly impossible to imagine. If the city takes this long to accept free land from developers, how could it possibly build anything?


  1. Andre D’Elia

    Hi Brandon,

    If you haven’t already done so. Speak with Mayor Chow. I have spoken to her a couple of times about city red tape that delays housing. Her basic response to me was if it gets to the point where the delay is ridiculous call her office and she would look into it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. T-bone

    I think I speak for a lot of people, we are anxious for an update on this. Good for you for going public with this kind of nonsense that eats up valuable time!

    Liked by 1 person

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