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Resting my eyes

Today I’m getting laser eye surgery. (If you’re reading this via email subscription, it already happened!)

This is something I’ve been thinking about doing for many many years. My original plan was to get it done after I finished my MBA. But that time came and went, and so it was about time I took action.

I’ve always been a bit nervous about doing it, which is why I’ve been procrastinating. I’m an early adopter when it comes to most things in life, but not when it comes to this. Not when it comes to my eyes.

The major impetus for getting it done is sports. I love lifting weights. I love cycling. I love snowboarding. And I love swimming. All of these things are easier to do when you don’t have to fuss around with contacts. I’m quite nearsighted.

In any case, I’m going to be taking the weekend off from blogging. I have never done that in the over 2 years that I’ve been writing Architect This City, but this time is different. I need to give my eyes a rest. Doctors orders.

For this reason, yesterday’s post on affordable housing was a bit longer than usual. And if you’re looking for more to read, you can also check out this list of most popular posts.

Regular scheduled programming will resume on Monday, which means that if you’re a daily email subscriber, you won’t receive another email from me until Tuesday morning at 6am Toronto time.

I hope you have a great weekend. See you on Monday 🙂

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